Exchange & Returns Policy
Our Quality Assurance:
We are proud to partner with world class factories who specialise in the production of our cutting edge hi-tech equipment. As well as this, each item sold via the La Martina Technical website is inspected by our highed skilled quality control team before final dispatch. However, in the unusual event that you are not 100% satisfied with your order, or if it does not fit, you can exercise your right to a refund or exchange by returning the goods within 30 (thirty) days of the date of your order.
How to Return your Order:
Please process your return by completing the returns note included in your original parcel. You will find space to enter your reason for return, the goods you are returning (if you originally purchased multiple items), as well as confirming whether you are requesting a refund or exchange for those goods.
Please kindly note that returns are at the customer's own cost. You can receive a no-commitment quote from our valued shipping and warehouse partners, AAS, by emailing them on Alternatively, you can make your own arrangements to return your goods using your own shipper.
The customer must also comply with the following conditions:
- Returned items must be accompanied by the original labels and tags;
- Returned tems must not be damaged, used, worn, manipulated, repaired and/or washed;
- Returned items should include the return slip correctly filled out.
The Vendor reserves the right to refuse the return of any items which are:
- Deemed to be damaged, incomplete, deteriorated and/or dirty or in any condition that indicates unequivocally that they have been used;
- Returned after the definitive time period listed above;
- The Vendor is not responsible for any loss or theft of returned items during the returns process if the goods are not shipped by AAS;
- The Vendor is not responsible for returns to the incorrect address or delays in the delivery of returned items not attributable to the vendor;
- The customer is responsible for ensuring their own proof of returns if the goods are returned by an independent shipper and not through La Martina's official shipper, AAS.
Once we have received your returned item/s and have checked them, we will notify you via email to confirm if you qualify for an exchange or refund and will action accordingly. In the event of a refund, you will receive an automated email from La Martina Technical confirming that it is underway; please allow up to 5-7 working days for your refund to be processed. All refunds will be processed back using the original method of payment.
If in any doubt on any aspect of your purchase or return, please email the La Martina Technical Team on and we will be happy to help.
Thank you again for your order with La Martina Technical!